Meet d1g1t: Solidarity Wealth’s New Client Portal

Meet d1g1t: Solidarity Wealth’s New Client Portal

By Zach Whitchurch
President | Wealth Advisor
Certified Private Wealth Advisor®

I’m pleased to announce the official launch of our new client portal, d1g1t! Please note that this innovative platform is not a replacement for BNY/Pershing or Right Capital; rather, it is replacing Addepar.

While some of our clients invest in the public markets only, we have found that they also want to see a holistic view of their balance sheet and investments to help them make informed decisions about their financial futures. With the arrival of d1g1t, a platform built on providing simplistic reporting on client investment portfolios, we can offer clients a more holistic view. 

Why is this holistic view so important? We believe that when our clients know exactly what’s important to them, have well-defined financial goals, and as few disconnected parts as possible, they feel empowered to pursue their financial dreams.

The d1g1t Platform

d1g1t is a financial reporting software for simplifying and accelerating online financial reporting data. It provides our clients with all the information they need at their fingertips to take their wealth management experience to the next level.

In a nutshell, the software provides:

  • Simplified data collection
  • Versatile reporting features
  • Enhanced collaboration and sharing
  • Improved accuracy and compliance

Let’s walk through how it works.

Logging In

  1. To access the login screen, type into your web browser’s address field.
  2. Use the login credentials given to you by your Solidarity Wealth advisor to access our new d1g1t platform.

The Home Screen

As depicted in the sample screenshot below, once you successfully log in to d1g1t, you’ll be presented with options for viewing your investments, transactions, deposits, withdrawals, and any documents you uploaded to the platform. The bottom of the screen gives you a summarized view of your portfolio. 

Analyzing Your Investments

If you select “investments” from the home screen, you’ll be able to see your investment holdings, allocation, and performance data all in one place. 

As you can see in the screenshot below, d1g1t provides simple graphic overviews that make it easy to view your allocation and performance data in one location. You can also drill down to a more granular view by selecting one of the choices from the drop-down menu available from the top-left corner of your screen. 

You can further refine the data you want to see by selecting one (or more) of the menu choices on the top-right side of your screen. For example, you can select specific time periods, dates, and currency options to create a customized view of your investment data.

Viewing Your Transactions

Another useful feature available from d1g1t is the ability to see a comprehensive list of your investment buys, sells, income, transfers, and fees. To see all of this information at once, simply click the “investments” option from the main menu at the top of your screen.

Once you’re on the transactions window, you’ll see a submenu on the left side of your screen. The choices available from this submenu allow you to filter the transaction type you want to see. For example, if you only want to see your withdrawals, unselect the buy, sell, deposit, and adjustment filters until only the “withdrawal” choice is highlighted in blue.

If you select “show more” from the filters submenu, you’ll see an expanded list of more transaction filters you can use to adjust your view.

Storing Documents

d1g1t also provides document storage capabilities. Similar to the way you stored documents using our previous wealth management software, as one of our clients, you will still have the ability to store and access important documents.

Discover the Power of Wealth Management

d1g1t is indeed a very powerful tool, but it can’t do everything. It won’t ever replace the value that human wealth managers provide.

That’s where we come in. Every member of our team at Solidarity Wealth diligently listens to and understands your financial goals and truly gets to know you. We look at your entire financial picture to see how day-to-day wealth management can support them. Then together we navigate the unique challenges of wealth to better plan your financial future.

If you have any questions about the new d1g1t portal, reach out to your wealth manager today. 

Solidarity Wealth is a registered investment adviser. This material is solely for informational purposes. Advisory services are only offered to clients or prospective clients where Solidarity Wealth and its representatives are properly licensed or exempt from licensure. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. Investing involves risk and possible loss of principal capital. No advice may be rendered by Solidarity Wealth unless a client service agreement is in place.

Zach Whitchurch

Zach Whitchurch

President | Wealth Advisor

(385) 374-1665